Basic Cash Code Pos Register Software Visual Foxpro Odbc Rating: 8,6/10 3102 reviews

This is a complete point of sale and inventory system written in C#.NET. You can use this system to your future project. Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a.zip file to shorten your download time.

After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it. Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, PLEASE: 1.

Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's,.ocx's,.dll's etc.)--only run source code.

Viskazivaniya sari alpisovni. Another excellent batch of songs and poetry. From the intimate evocative nay mystical sounds of Marissa Nadler to the world beats of Alain Nkossi Konda and the positive vibes of poetry from Celestial Dancer.

Pink floyd the wall movie. Filtered HTML • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. • You may insert videos with [video:URL] • Allowed HTML tags: [video] • You can enable syntax highlighting of source code with the following tags:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The supported tag styles are:, [foo]. • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.

POS Cash Register (Welsy) All your sales will be taken care of with this POS software, suits small to medium business with. Published: Sep 19, 2017.

I'm trying to access a VFP.DBF that comes from a POS cash register. I already have the Access DB open and a record set open from that db called rsSales. The name of the.DBF I'm trying to open is GNDSALE. I use the following code for the db connection: set dbPOSInput = OpenDatabase('e: POSDirname', True, False, 'FoxPro 2.6') After I've set strSQL as shown in the two examples below I use this string to set the rs: set rsGndSale = dbPOSInput.OpenRecordset(strSQL) The problem is that if I use: strSQL = 'Select * from GNDSALE where GNDSALE!CheckNbr = rsSales!CheckNbr' I get error 3061 - Too few parameters - expected 1 and if I use strSQL = 'Select * from GNDSALE where GNDSALE.fields(1) = rsSales!CheckNbr' I get error 3085 - undefined function 'GNDSALES.fields' in expression. What am I doing wrong????

RE: Accessing VFP from VB - connection problem (Programmer) 29 Jan 02 22:45. Since you are using DAO, you need to follow a little different procedure to open DBF files than you do when you open Access files. First, you need to configure the ODBC DSN for the correct path. Point to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> ODBC Data Sources. Click on the 'User DSN' tab and scroll down until you see 'Visual FoxPro Tables'. Click 'Configure', then go to Path and enter the path of your DBF files.

In this case it's 'e: POSDirname' Now in VB do the following: Dim wks as Workspace dim conn as Connection dim rs as Recordset set wks = CreateWorkSpace('MyWkspace','admin',',dbUseODBC) set conn = wks.OpenConnection('MyConn',,,'ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables') set rs = conn.OpenRecordset('GNDSALE.DBF') Certain functions of the recordset won't be available in this senario. RecordCount doesn't work, and you don't need to do a.MoveFirst. Hope this helps Adam RE: Accessing VFP from VB - connection problem (Programmer). Thanks, Adam. That did it!.. But a couple of other questions arise..

The directory in which the data resides will change every day. All of the files for a day are transferred the the remote restaurants daily and stored in a directory whose name is YYYYMMDD.

Is there a way to programaticlly (i.e., at runtime) create the ODBC connection without going into the ODBC Data Sources in Control Panel? (and, by the way, I'm using Win2000 and the ODBC DataSources is located under Admin Tools) 2. When I try to use the following SQL stmt to create the rs, I get a '3146 - ODBC--Call Failed': strSQL = 'Select * from GNDITEM Where GNDITEM.fields(2) = GNDSALE.fields(1) and GNDITEM.fields(0) = 0' set rsGndItem = cnnPOSConn.OpenRecordset(strSQL) 3. Would I be 'better off' using ADO (which would probably be preferable, but I was trying everything (incl DAO) to get this working? If so, would you know how make the connection? Thanks again for your previous post. It was right on the money.

RE: Accessing VFP from VB - connection problem (Programmer) 1 Feb 02 18:08. As far as question #1 goes.

There is a 'RegisterDatabase' command in VB you might want to look up. I can't do the code off the top of my head and I don't know if it is different in Windows 2000 as opposed to 98. Perhaps another kind soul out there might already have the code that uses an API call to modify a DSN.

Basic Cash Code Pos Register Software Visual Foxpro Odbc Rating: 8,6/10 3102 reviews

This is a complete point of sale and inventory system written in C#.NET. You can use this system to your future project. Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a.zip file to shorten your download time.

After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it. Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by SourceCodester.com for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them. FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY, PLEASE: 1.

Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's,.ocx's,.dll's etc.)--only run source code.

Viskazivaniya sari alpisovni. Another excellent batch of songs and poetry. From the intimate evocative nay mystical sounds of Marissa Nadler to the world beats of Alain Nkossi Konda and the positive vibes of poetry from Celestial Dancer.

Pink floyd the wall movie. Filtered HTML • Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. • You may insert videos with [video:URL] • Allowed HTML tags: [video] • You can enable syntax highlighting of source code with the following tags:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The supported tag styles are:, [foo]. • Lines and paragraphs break automatically.

POS Cash Register (Welsy) All your sales will be taken care of with this POS software, suits small to medium business with. Published: Sep 19, 2017.

I'm trying to access a VFP.DBF that comes from a POS cash register. I already have the Access DB open and a record set open from that db called rsSales. The name of the.DBF I'm trying to open is GNDSALE. I use the following code for the db connection: set dbPOSInput = OpenDatabase('e: POSDirname', True, False, 'FoxPro 2.6') After I've set strSQL as shown in the two examples below I use this string to set the rs: set rsGndSale = dbPOSInput.OpenRecordset(strSQL) The problem is that if I use: strSQL = 'Select * from GNDSALE where GNDSALE!CheckNbr = rsSales!CheckNbr' I get error 3061 - Too few parameters - expected 1 and if I use strSQL = 'Select * from GNDSALE where GNDSALE.fields(1) = rsSales!CheckNbr' I get error 3085 - undefined function 'GNDSALES.fields' in expression. What am I doing wrong????

RE: Accessing VFP from VB - connection problem (Programmer) 29 Jan 02 22:45. Since you are using DAO, you need to follow a little different procedure to open DBF files than you do when you open Access files. First, you need to configure the ODBC DSN for the correct path. Point to Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> ODBC Data Sources. Click on the 'User DSN' tab and scroll down until you see 'Visual FoxPro Tables'. Click 'Configure', then go to Path and enter the path of your DBF files.

In this case it's 'e: POSDirname' Now in VB do the following: Dim wks as Workspace dim conn as Connection dim rs as Recordset set wks = CreateWorkSpace('MyWkspace','admin',',dbUseODBC) set conn = wks.OpenConnection('MyConn',,,'ODBC;DSN=Visual FoxPro Tables') set rs = conn.OpenRecordset('GNDSALE.DBF') Certain functions of the recordset won't be available in this senario. RecordCount doesn't work, and you don't need to do a.MoveFirst. Hope this helps Adam RE: Accessing VFP from VB - connection problem (Programmer). Thanks, Adam. That did it!.. But a couple of other questions arise..

The directory in which the data resides will change every day. All of the files for a day are transferred the the remote restaurants daily and stored in a directory whose name is YYYYMMDD.

Is there a way to programaticlly (i.e., at runtime) create the ODBC connection without going into the ODBC Data Sources in Control Panel? (and, by the way, I'm using Win2000 and the ODBC DataSources is located under Admin Tools) 2. When I try to use the following SQL stmt to create the rs, I get a '3146 - ODBC--Call Failed': strSQL = 'Select * from GNDITEM Where GNDITEM.fields(2) = GNDSALE.fields(1) and GNDITEM.fields(0) = 0' set rsGndItem = cnnPOSConn.OpenRecordset(strSQL) 3. Would I be 'better off' using ADO (which would probably be preferable, but I was trying everything (incl DAO) to get this working? If so, would you know how make the connection? Thanks again for your previous post. It was right on the money.

RE: Accessing VFP from VB - connection problem (Programmer) 1 Feb 02 18:08. As far as question #1 goes.

There is a 'RegisterDatabase' command in VB you might want to look up. I can't do the code off the top of my head and I don't know if it is different in Windows 2000 as opposed to 98. Perhaps another kind soul out there might already have the code that uses an API call to modify a DSN.

Basic Cash Code Pos Register Software Visual Foxpro Odbc В© 2019